
Gesellschaft: Print Finishing Sales & Services GmbH
Hamburger Str. 257
D - 38114 Braunschweig
+49 (0)531 – 2889881
+49 (0)531 – 2889882
Managing Director:
Mario Wozniak
DE 249085159
Amtsgericht Braunschweig, HRB 200 317

All rights reserved. The content provided
here is only for the personal information.
Every copy or publishing in other form requires
the official permit. Explanation.
With the judgement from Mai the 12 th
the Landgericht Hamburg decided that through
the production of links you are maybe responsible
for the content of the linked pages.
can - so the LG - only be prevented by the clearly
dissociate from these contents.

For the links linked on this page obtains:

The webmaster of this page clearly stresses
that he has got no influence on the design
and the content of the linked pages. He also
doesn´t make them belonging to himself. For this
reason the webmaster and the carrier of this page
dissociate clearly from all content of all linked pages
on this website and don´t make them belonging
to themselves. This explanation is valid for all links.

Although the content of this sites is always checked,
there is no guaranty for the correctness
and relevance of the information.

Personal data

Personal data are information that can be used
to find out somebodys identity. Thereunder belong
information like your correct name, adress, postal adress
or telephone number. Information which cannot
be associate with your real identity
(for example your preferred websites or the number
of users)
don´t fit in thereunder. You can use our
online-offer basically without disclosure of your identity.
If you will be asked to enter your name
or your email-adress or the like its your free
decision to enter these data. In connection with your access
on our servers some data will be stored
for means of protection. These data maybe allow
an identification (for example the IP-adress, date,
time and visited pages). No individual utilization
takes place. The statistic analysis of the anonymous
data records is reserved. We will not give away
personal data to a third party.